Champion Show - Budapest - 12.12.2004
Judge: Steffi Krischbichler (A)
Ch. Magor Oguz "Batyu" - Champion of Champion's, BOB

Budapest Derby - 23.11.2004
Judge: Gyárfás Marianne (H)
HjCh. Indián "Frédi" of Skyrocket (owner: Dr. Molnár Gyula) - CAC
Jaffa of Skyrocket - Excellent 2 (Junior class)

Budapest CACIB - 10.10.2004
Judge: Nagy István (H)

BIS Judge: Korózs András (H)
Rainscote Raba "Parázs - Excellent 3 (Junior class)
Ch. Boogie Woogie "Panka" of Szedresi - CAC, CACIB, BOB, Best Hungarian Breed

Budapest CACIB - 09.10.2004
Judge: Dr. Michael Kreiner (A)
Rainscote Raba "Parázs" - Excellent 2 (Junior class)
Ch. Magor Oguz "Batyu" - CAC, R. CACIB

Sárospatak CAC - 26.09.2004
Judge és BIS Judge: Szabó Sándor (H)

Rainscote Raba "Parázs" - Excellent 1, HPJ
Isis of Skyrocket (owner: Nagy Nikoletta Petra) - CAC

Ch. Magor Oguz "Batyu" - CAC, BOB. R.BOG, Best Hungarian Breed
Batyu got the Hungarian Grand Champion title with this result!

Szentendre CAC - 19.09.2004
Judge: Kardos Vilmos (H)

BIS Judge: Czeglédi Attila

Ch. Magor Oguz "Batyu" - CAC

Ch. Boogie Woogie "Panka" of Szedresi - CAC, BOB, R.BOG

Hortobágy Club Show- 18.09.2004
Judge: Nagy István (H)

Indián "Frédi" of Skyrocket (owner: Dr. Molnár Gyula) - HPJ, Junior Club Winner
Isis of Skyrocket - Excellent
Ch. Magor Oguz "Batyu" - R. CAC

Ch. Boogie Woogie "Panka" of Szedresi - CAC, Club Winner, BOB, Best Female
Frédi got the Hungarian Junior Champion title with this result!

Magyar Fajták Világtalákozója Kecskemét - 12.09.2004
Judge: Nagy István (H)

Rainscote Raba "Parázs" - Very promissing I. (Puppy class)
Jaffa of Skyrocket - Very promissing II. (Puppy class)
Indián "Frédi" of Skyrocket (owner: Dr. Molnár Gyula) - Kitûnõ 2 (Junior class

Ch. Magor Oguz "Batyu" - R. CAC (Champion class)

Ch. Boogie Woogie "Panka" of Szedresi - CAC, Best female, BOB,
World Best Rövidszörû Magyar Vizsla (BOB)
World Best Hungarian Breed Dog, Best In Show
Panka got the Hungarian Jubileumi Champion title with both days class winning results!

Kecskemét CACIB - 11.09.2004
Judge: Gyárfás Marianne (H)
Ch. Boogie Woogie "Panka" of Szedresi - CAC, CACIB

Veszprém CAC - 29.08.2004
Judge: Czeglédi Attila (H)

Ch. Magor Oguz "Batyu" - CAC
Ch. Boogie Woogie "Panka" of Szedresi - CAC

Panka got the Hungarian Show Champion title with this results!

Debrecen CACIB - 22.08.2004
Judge: Gyárfás Marianne (H)
Ch. Magor Oguz "Batyu" - CAC, R.CACIB
Ch. Boogie Woogie "Panka" of Szedresi - R.CAC

Hatvan CAC - 15.08.2004
Judge: Nagy István (H)
Ch. Magor Oguz "Batyu" - R.CAC
Indián "Frédi" of Skyrocket (owner: Dr. Molnár Gyula) - Excellent 1, HPJ
Isis of Skyrocket (owner: Dr. Kéri Ildikó) - Excellent 4 (Junior class)

Szombathely CACIB - 18.07.2004
Judge és BIS Judge: Hans W. Müller (CH)
Ch. Magor Oguz "Batyu" - CAC, CACIB, BOB, BOG III.

Szolnok CAC - 06.06.2004
Judge: Kollonay László (H)
Ch. Magor Oguz "Batyu" - CAC
Indián "Frédi" of Skyrocket (owner: Dr. Molnár Gyula) - Excellent 1, HPJ
Isis of Skyrocket (owner: Dr. Kéri Ildikó) - Excellent 2 (Junior class)
Aba -Amádé Betty "Jenny" - Excellent 1, CAC

Batyu got the Hungarian Champion title with this result!

Szabadka CACIB - 16.05.2004
Judge: Mitrovic Trifun (SCG)
Magor Oguz "Batyu" - CAC, CACIB, BOB
Boogie Woogie "Panka" of Szedresi - CAC, CACIB

Hódmezõvásárhely CAC - 16.05.2004
Judge: Szabó Sándor (CH)

Jaffa of Skyrocket - Very promissing I., Res. Baby Best in Show
Boogie Woogie "Panka" of Szedresi - CAC
Magor Oguz "Batyu" - CAC, BOB, BOG

Budapest CACIB - 08.05.2004
Judge: Kardos Vilmos (H)
Indián "Frédi" of Skyrocket (owner: Dr. Molnár Gyula) - Excellent 2 (Junior class)
Boogie Woogie "Panka" of Szedresi - R.CAC (Open class)
Magor Oguz "Batyu" - CAC, R.CACIB

Arad CACIB - 01.05.2004
Judge: Tatiana Urek (SLO)
Ch. Berboss Night Charm - CAC, CACIB, BOB, R.BOG
Magor Oguz "Batyu" - CAC, CACIB, BOB, BOG, Res. Best in Show

Miskolc CACIB - 11.04.2004
Judge: Kollonay László (H)

Boogie Woogie "Panka" of Szedresi - CAC, CACIB

Magor Oguz "Batyu" - CAC, CACIB, BOB, R.BOG, Best Hungarian Breed II.

Miskolc CACIB - 10.04.2004
Judge: Hans Müller (CH)

Boogie Woogie "Panka" of Szedresi - CAC, CACB, BOB, R.BOG

Budapest CACIB - 01.02.2004
Judge: Tumay Jánosné (H)

Boogie Woogie "Panka" of Szedresi - CAC

Magor Oguz "Batyu" - CAC, CACIB, BOB, Best Hungarian Breed

Budapest CACIB - 31.01.2004
Judge: Gyárfás Marianne (H)
Boogie Woogie "Panka" of Szedresi - CAC, CACIB, BOB, BOG III.